Friday, January 07, 2005

The Making of an Administrative Whore

I find myself unable to devote as huge a chunk of my time to blogging as I'd like (ie the majority of the workday) because I have been awarded the oh-so-illustrious task of transferring the entire contents of several file cabinets who's keys are missing to other file cabinets with keys intact. This comes on the heels of spending about 6 hours earlier this week trying every single key in the disorganized unlabled key box in each of the 4 cabinets without keys. Sounds absolutely thrilling, doesn't it? Yup, that's why I get paid the whopping $11/hour unlivable wage.

My problems with being assigned this task (aside from laziness and a newfound blogging addiction) are as follows:
1) It really shouldn't take a series of 7 e-mails to get a task such as this one done. That's just plain gratuitous.
2) The sole reason for the sudden concern over the privacy of indivuals' personal health information is an upcoming URAC audit, not a sudden misplaced sense of honor and decency or respect for the poor wackos and druggies whose health care they routinely deny to line the greedy pockets of the evil company.
3) The afforementioned audit has been postponed until February. Granted I am not one for logic and reason by any stretch of the imagination, but wouldn't it make more sense to call a locksmith and have the locks replaced within that extra time, as this will eventually need to be done anyway? It seems like a waste of time to schlepp files only to end up schlepping them back. But that's just me, and from what I've gathered of the business world, wasting time is the name of the game.

Whoo-hoo! The excitement just never ends here in managed care land folks.

I can't believe I'm whoring myself out to a company that's so antithetical to my beliefs. I justify it by constantly reminding myself that as I am a (perpetual) temp, I am technically working for the temp agency and not the evil greed monster. Plus, truth be told, this temp job for the evil greed monster is 100% flexible; the gold standard in terms of stupid day jobs for actors. And voila, ladies and gents, the recipe for creating an administrative whore.

Are we having fun yet?

I'm going back to the junk machine to drown my sorrows and heal my papercuts with processed crap in an endless parade of refined sugar. (on second thought, after adding those links, I think I'll be strong and deal with the pain in a more productive manner)


Blogger Ed said...

But're only hours from clubland now. And after I get a nap and head out in this so-called "city," I can say hi to Dr. Dan for you.

Did I mention that Mia's is, well, an alternative bar? As in sexually alternative? Not sure I fit in, but I'll be there...the women are lovely, though. But I'm not supposed to notice that sort of thing, right?

January 07, 2005 4:58 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

Orph- enjoy your horizons broadening. It's not about fitting in or not fitting in- most (excluding the supertrendy overpriced places you wouldn't want to go to because they're such a scene) gay bars aren't going to torment and mock you for being straight (well, they might mock...just a little). As long as you are accepting and respectful, you should find yourself being equally accepted and respected. I think I actually spend more time in gay bars than straight ones.

I rang in the New Year kissing a beautiful woman at a gay bar, and I must say it was an excellent way to start the year.

Enjoy BettyDylan tonight...I'll look for a full review on your blog this weekend. Thanks for giving them my love and regards. Are you going with P.?

January 07, 2005 5:36 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

Yeahh...we had a great time. Hopefully they can leverage the review. They're good people, and fine musicians.

You know, I've learned that symmetries exist for a reason. Sometimes clues are there all along. P can fill you in on that one!!

January 08, 2005 3:00 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

my dearest orph, the clues were there all along. i was waiting for you to solve the puzzle, knowing you eventually would.

January 09, 2005 2:02 PM  

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