Tuesday, February 22, 2005

My Own Personal Version of Wasting Brain Matter on TV

I'm sitting here at the stupid day job totally unable to focus at all and trying to pretend like I'm not online by shrinking the explorer window to miniscule eye strain producing proportions so that I may add total blindness to the list of bodily injury my accident prone and irresponsible self has inflicted upon my person. I'm listening to Cathie Ryan croon in that sorrowful but lilty Irish way and obsessing over stupid boys. Of course. Why is it that with every half-assed diary I ever attempted to keep, the one universal theme that would motivate me to take pen in hand was stupid boys? I have a lot of other very important things in my life, yet this is the subject I choose to obsess over? It makes me feel hormonal and shallow, even though I know its generally avoidance. I guess its kind of like my own personal version of watching tv.

So today's obsessing is centered around wondering what the hell is up with Mr. Mama's Tatoo of All Trades and what the hell happened there. I think I'm just going to call him tonight or tomorrow and ask point blank if he's still initerested in hanging out or not. I generally prefer to just lay it out on the table rather than play the guessing games. What's been said is that he didn't want a relationship but wanted to date and get to know me (which I'm thinking is a fine idea since I don't want a relationship either with someone I just met). Then he never calls for a date, and never called this weekend to go see The Gates (which he did explain last night that he worked doubles all weekend and it was a totally flexible if you're free kind of thing). But last night he kept coming over to the table to talk, followed me outside for a cigarette, and I caught him looking at me on multiple occasions. So what the hell does he want? If he's interested why is he sitting on his ass, given the fact that I'm the one who asked him out in the first place so my interest shouldn't be a question. If he's not interested, than why is he looking at me, reading my blog over my shoulder, and following me outside?

I think its penile confusion.

Not that I ever know what the hell I want either, but I have no qualms about bunglingly attempting to state that out loud, thus thoroughly confusing everyone around me including myself, exponentially.


Blogger Swa said...

Love reading your blog; Makes me feel like a fly on the wall of your life. To put in my two cents worth, as a guy, I have to ask-what kind of signals are you putting out there to "him"? I ask this b/c we are rather simple creatures as a whole. He may not realize that you are sending signals to him. We need things spelled out to us, so your idea of putting it out on the table makes sense. If he's worth his salt, he'll be upfront and tell you what his deal is; if he doesn't, then at least you know and you can move on. What do you have to lose?

I hope that made sense....

peace, Swandad

February 22, 2005 5:37 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...


i'm glad to have you as a fly on the wall of my life, and glad you enjoy the role.

thanks for the male perspective...most of the other guys that read this blog are either gay or i've been involved with. it's nice to get an outsider's view.

i'm not generally shy about putting things out on the table, because you're right...what do i have to lose? but i'm the one who asked him out, and we already slept together, and I assured him that I didn't want a relationship right now either. What more signals does he need?

I'm not sure I'm totally convinced about the simple creatures thing, but I'll take your word for it for now.

February 22, 2005 6:09 PM  
Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

Blast that penile confusion..

Exponentially confusing others can't be all bad, at least it brings them up to your level. ; )

Yes, I think that you should all him.

February 23, 2005 7:02 PM  
Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...


February 24, 2005 1:11 AM  

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