Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Heigh Ho, Heigh,,,Huh? Where Am I Going Again?

It's 7:30am and I'm awake. Not only awake, but already showered and the coffee is brewing. I couldn't resist; I just had to document this miraculous event, as its occurrance is a truly remarkable thing indeed (and I think all who know me would heartily concur). Too bad my mother has never even seen the internet and has a fear of computers only rivaled by mine in high school (I made my Dad take ours out of the house because I thought it was an evil machine that whispered subliminal messages to me in my sleep. I'm still not entirely convinced that this is a falsehood, but I have a codependent relationship with my mac nonetheless.); she'd love to see this post. With the exception of a sunrise hike with my Dad last summer in Capitol Reef National Park, the only time I'm up this early is when I've passed a nuit blanche (French for you're a stupid fucking idiot who stayed up all night and will now pay a dear price for it). Not only am I up on time without the use of a wake-up series of phone calls or physical force, but I'm up early, which was late for my warped stressed out math of last night (and that's pre-wine math, mind you). Now let's see just how gracefully I can slide through the day on jangled nerves and 3 hours of sleep.

And the adventure begins...

(can i crawl back into bed yet?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come? I have found the answer to nuits blanches and that answer is medication. I usually like the sex, drugs, and alcohol approach. It's such a great combo I'm wondering why it isn't on every menu everywhere. Is it supposed to be sex, drugs and rock-n-roll? Well I substitued. And the order is important too. Alcohol first, so I'm fooled into believing that I look like Kitten. I'm nice and relaxed and not worrying about what I will look like naked (is there a word for this fear like nudophobia or something?). Then sex before I realize I look like a beached whale when naked. And then drugs unless I have been fucked/rocked to sleep. In any event I will wake around 4:30 am to have a piss and a pill if I missed my dose post-coitally, and back to bed, careful to avoid the wet spot. Ideally I wake up before my sweetheart so I can throw my clothes back on, bra or panties inside out in my haste, and dash home for a ridiculously hot shower. But then we were supposed to be talking about how you got up early... congratulations from your biggest KY fan. P

January 11, 2005 11:26 AM  
Blogger Roxanne said...

Good luck with things today. I really liked your last post. That's some good writing. I don't really know what to say to it, except that I just can't believe it happened in the first place.

January 11, 2005 11:55 AM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

I swear, Vix, the compliments coming from you (who's writing I've always loved) are so freakin encouraging that I'm slowly but surely (emphasis on the slowly end of the spectrum) letting go of tiny fragments of my enormous fear of matching words to my gut sensations. You're pretty damn encouraging, you know that?

January 11, 2005 12:51 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

i would never be able to get my parents past the fact that its called a blog...much less get them to read it.

my mother would keep saying "a what? what is that? what is the name again? a bloog? a blug? a bourg? beuf borguinion? i don't understand these things, oh well. i prefer to read a book. maybe you can ask your father to print it out for me. "

my father would say "i spend all day on the fucking computer, synge, i don't want to come home and spend all night on it too. you know, that's what's wrong with this country. everybody's on their damn computers with thier e-mail and their damn cell phones in restaraunts - you know, if they allow cell phones on planes, that's it. i'm not flying anymore. its your liberal protester blugs or whatever the hell they're called that got Bush elected you know. Damn lieral movement doesn't know what the hell they're doing anymore. you're just fucking it up. in my day we knew how to be liberals. you kids just alienate. so, anyway, i'm planning a diving trip to botswana, did i tell you that?"

January 11, 2005 6:50 PM  

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