Saturday, February 26, 2005

Good Things Come to Those Who Get Their Heads Out of Their Asses

I love it when life turns around. You change one little moment- one tiny perspective and suddenly everything shifts and changes along with it. I forget that all too often. It's hard to make that initial shift; its hard to stop wallowing in self pity once the wallowing has begun. Even the word is kind of fun in a hopelessly self absorbed sort of way....wallowing. Say it 25 times fast in row and it becomes this weird jumbled garbled mess...kind of like your life when you are in wallow mode.

But I'm not in wallow mode. I'm in celebratory mode. I am a one woman party in and of myself; that's how much of a celebratory mode I'm in (streamers not included).

Why, you ask?

A show, of course! Silly reader, what else in the world could make me so giddy? No, the answer is not stupid boys, they are distractions during the in-between times without work; something to focus on other than my slowly eroding identity when I am not acting. But I have a show! I have something to throw my talent and hard work and entire being into; I am once again a whole and complete human being in and of myself! I am a working (for peanuts) actor, hear me roar!

What's even more exciting is that the show is The Vagina Monologues, which has become an international event to stop violence against women for many years now. Its an amazing an important work on so many levels, and what's more, its stipulated in the rights to the play that any and all proceeds from the production are donated towards various charities and organizations that help stop violence against women. Its something I am thrilled to be a part of, as it combines my political activism with my art. It's a cause I firmly believe in, and the play itself is a very important and amazing feminist work. I have seen several productions of it and witnessed 50 and 60 year old women changed and liberated by it. I have seen teenage girls enter the theatre obsessed with external ideals of who they are and who they should be, only to leave the theatre confident in loving who they are as womyn. And I love that its a play that not only talks about, but glorifies and celebrates vaginas. Penises are celebrated every single day in our culture, but rarely do we ever talk about, much less celebrate vaginas. I love that this play challenges that notion. I love that this play celebrates women. And most of all, I love that this play helps women in so many ways.

So I am absolutely thrilled at the opportunity to perform here at home, thrilled with the woman who proposed this project to me, and thrilled at the opportunity to do a play I've loved and respected for many many years now. I'm excited about getting to work with the diverse group of womyn involved in this production, and certain that the collaborative energies will be an incredible positive force in my life. It will undoubtedly be a beautiful healing experience. In fact, it already is.

The project organizer, I'll call her The Vagina Goddess, and I got together last night to brainstorm ideas and talk about things we wanted to do and explore with this production. We ended up going to this tiny cozy bar in the West Village called V Bar; I thought this was prophetic, and marked a great beginning.

In the next week or so, we're going to get a Vagina Monologues blog up and going that details our rehearsal process and is all about this particular production; I'll post the link here as soon as its up. We're actually going to try to solicit My Little Vidipookikins' help in perhaps making it a Vlog, and I'm hoping to put a paypal link on there so that people can contribute to the production if they feel so moved. And if any of you readers would like to be involved in any way or feel you have something to contribute to the production, please don't hesitate to speak up; any and all kinds of talent are welcome and needed.

So that is my thrilling celebratory news, and the cause of much rejoicing here in Synge land. It only goes to show that when you finally get your head out of your self-absorbed self-pitying ass, you will find wonderful things in the world outside of aforementioned ass.

Yay for me!


Blogger Swa said...

Kudos for you! **clap clap**
That's great news! I saw the Monologues a few years back (I have my own interesting story about that-i'll share it another time); I didn't know what to expect when I got there but it really touched me and I got a lot out of it. That's really cool. Do you have a time frame on when you'll be able to pull this off?

February 26, 2005 6:39 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

swandad, kudos to you for having seen it- i think that's awesome! i do want to hear your story.

it's going to be going up in mid april- we are working on space right now, but it looks like its going to be in brooklyn. would you schlepp out all the way to brooklyn to see it again?

February 26, 2005 8:00 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

cap'n, thanks for the good wishes, i'll most definitely keep you posted as soon as i know myself! i should be already rehearsing when the adventuring daughter gets here...if so, maybe she can come to a rehearsal.

February 27, 2005 1:22 AM  
Blogger Roxanne said...

Congratulations on your part. You know that I actually hate this play. "If my vagina was going to go to a party, she would wear earmuffs and carry a little poodle with her." But I know you love it and getting a part rocks.

I do have to say that I hate my vagina. And my vagina hates all pregnant vaginas. It says that they smell.

February 27, 2005 4:11 PM  
Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

I have never seen it. I know..::hangs head in shame:::

But I've heard that it's excellent and that I should.

It must be terribly exciting, Congratulations!

February 27, 2005 4:58 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

vix- i know you hate it. we had a huge discussion bordering on argument over it about 5 or 6 years ago...that's why on the phone i told you it was your least favorite play! and my vagina still loves there!

kristoise, i'll definitely let yuo know details when i know. i'll also have a Vagina Vlog up and running sometime this week about the show and will post the link here.

sgroovy, thanks for the congrats. its very exciting as i've been dying for work lately!

February 28, 2005 12:32 AM  

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