Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Grand Experiment in Normalcy

I don't have time to write the post that I want to write about my date; I have to get ready to go down to Union Square with the Ladies of Liberty dressed in a corset, long skirt, sash, and hat to petition on behalf of NARAL and canvass on behalf of Planned Parenthood. Yes, we are shamelessly canvassing in underwear (the corsets), but hey...whatever gets signatures. It's all for the cause, man.

The grand experiment in normalcy was not a success; he is not a Republican, but he is quite alien nevertheless. I will write the whole funny story later when I have time to really sit down and give it the attention it deserves. Suffice it to say that Mr. Artsy Hotpants had a really good laugh on the phone today, and he and my mother both commented "Well, at least you got a nice dinner out of it."

That's it. I'm done. I am becoming a Jewish nun...minus the whole celibacy thing, of course.

Sorry to tease you, but stay tuned; I promise the whole story shall be unfolded shortly.


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