Monday, July 18, 2005

Hot WP With Mr. Artsy Hotpants

I just realized tonight that the anonymous e-mail address I initially used to respond to the Craigslist posting was none other than the e-mail address that I had created for this blog; it was the only anonymous address I had which did not display my full name along with the e-mail. Unfortunately, the address is lesyngebleu...which when separated and googled points straight to my blog. Of course the likelyhood of him knowing to separate the name is incredibly small, being that he speaks no french and the word synge is actually an intentional misspelling of the word for monkey. Still, its a bit funny to imagine him stumbling upon what I'm sure is a very different account of the evening than the one in his not-so-humble mind. At least it would help ensure that he does not call.

Mr. Artsy Hotpants also wanted me to include the forgotten tidbit that when talking about his political views Mr. Risky Business jokingly said "Are you going to call your gay boyfriend and tell him I go both ways?" to which I replied, "If I did he would undoubtedly say 'Not again!' " Mr. Risky Business was confused by this, so I explained that the last guy I dated (Mr. EU) is bisexual. He then asked how I did that? And I replied that I was the one without a penis and there were some books I could recommend on the subject if he needed further clarification.

MAH and I cooked a lovely dinner tonight, which we named in honor of certain particular choice phrasing uttered by Mr. Risky Business while engaged in the act for which perhaps he should indeed do some supplemental reading. The dish is called Hot WP, and is a lovely linguine with sauteed garlic, artichoke hearts, tomatoes, mushrooms and parsely. It also provided endless amusement to say phrases like "I went to MAH's apartment last night and ate some delicious Hot WP" or "Do you want to come over to my place to eat some Hot WP tonight?" What can I say? Its better to be slightly adolescent than tragic, right?

Tomorrow night is the staged reading of what I actually think is a pretty good screenplay; I got a call from the director today and am now frantically searching my wardrobe for something that remotely resembles what a lawyer might wear and is not black. Yeah, that'll be an easy one for sure. Although the rehearsal begins in the early afternoon I have wisely elected not to have all of the life sucked out of me beforehand by going to the sdj in the morning. I'll suck up the financial loss; I'd rather have the energy.

Which is exactly why I should be sleeping now instead of writing about linguine and other such fascinating topics. The curse of the perpetually insomniatic natural born night owl.


Blogger MAH said...


If we don't laugh at it, how could we go on? Now you must excuse me so that I may go eat some Hot WP.

July 18, 2005 4:52 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

we were fed pizza and other such crap at the reading, and i was dreaming of eating some delicious and nutritous hot wp.

and yes, i'd much rather laugh than be tragic.

July 19, 2005 10:22 AM  

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