Wednesday, July 20, 2005

John Roberts is an Evil-Dooer, Not a Do-Gooder!

As you can imagine, I am a whirling frenzy after yesterday's announcement. John Roberts is dangerous news, and his track record speaks for itself, especially regarding reproductive rights. I am leaving the sdj early today to head down to Union Square with the Ladies of Liberty where there will be a NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and Code Pink rally in opposition to the nomination. Please, if you live in New York and care about a fair and balanced Supreme Court and a woman's right to hold domain over her own body, come out to Union Square this evening from 5-6:30pm for a RALLY TO SAVE THE COURT.

I have been increasingly active with the Ladies recently (no surprise considering what's been going on with Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement), and am now one of the main contacts for other activist groups. I will be attending an emergency strategic planning meeting tomorrow night on behalf of the Ladies, with People for the American Way, ANSWER, Code Pink, The Green Dragons, The Billionaires for Bush, and many others. Part of me feels like I'm thoroughly unqualified, being so relatively new at activism and street theatre; I suppose everyone has a begining, however, and the fact is that I feel just as passionate a need for action as anyone else. That is qualification enough.

If you feel compelled to speak up, here are some ways in which you can:
Move On , True Majority and NARAL all have click and send e-actions regarding the Roberts nomination. Each of the sites also have activist kits with flyers and petitions you can download, if you want to get the word out in your community.


Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

i've been reading quotes from his actual briefings and few decisions all night and this guy is dangerous. not to mention the whole ridiculous french fry case, which you must read for some horror filled laughs. he's clearly an ideologue carefully hidden away and chosen exactly for his lack of a paper trail. he's been groomed for this job since his graduation from law school when he went to work for rehnquist.

there isn't enough to turn off the more conservative left, true. but this guy is much more trouble than he appears to be at first glance and his charm is dangerous.

his freakin roe v. wade needing to be overturned comment made in the briefing first of all had nothing whatsoever to do with the case at hand and the government was not involved in the case, so a briefing was not even necessary or called for. the flimsy excuse of it being the expressed view of his client and not necessarily of himself is a total appeasing cop-out in flimsy guise.

more than needing a dem in the white house and control of the senate we need to start giving more of a shit about what's going on in this country rather than complacently handing over our civil liberties on a silver platter. why is no one talking about the downing street memo?? irrefutable proof, and no one's really all that upset about it. half the people have probably never even heard of it or have no idea what the hell it is. that's a huge huge problem.

July 22, 2005 1:32 AM  
Blogger laura said...

i have to say i agree with skoehler. short of revelations that he paid his illegal-immigrant nanny under the table to rape orphans in bird sanctuaries while he watched and then sent the tapes of it to osama bin laden, he's going to be confirmed.

i, too, am crossing my fingers that, like kennedy and o'connor, he turns out to not be as conservative as the nominating president thought, and am devoting my efforts to my local elections this year and next.

July 22, 2005 5:38 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

lauralu, do you have any leads on the nanny-bird sanctuary-bin laden tip? though considering he said the endangered species act was unconstitutional, i'm surprised he chose a bird sanctuary. the most important question, though, is were the orphans eating french fries on the metro and he thought that was their just punishment?

July 22, 2005 5:58 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

rove's too smart for the nomination to be an unknown quantity, therefor i think chances of him being less conservative are pretty nill. he's been working for the conservative right wingers and corporate hedgehogs since he was weaned from rehnquist's breast as a young law school graduate. he's without much paper trail (brilliant move characteristic of rove) which means he can appear more moderate than he actually is. do we really think rove's gonna let someone be nominated that he hasn't already been to bed with?

July 22, 2005 6:04 PM  
Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

Excellent information, thank you, Synge :)

July 23, 2005 1:16 AM  
Blogger laura said...

i'll see what i can do about getting those incriminating tapes for you. and i'm sure the orphans were eating FREEDOM fries, not the french, cheese-eating, freedom-hating kind.

i need to call my therapist now. the thought of rove and roberts in the sack is more than i can take. not that there's anything wrong with it.

July 23, 2005 9:01 AM  

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