Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Oh Yes, Yet Again I am Hiding Under the Desk Crying for Absolutely No Reason or Evil Hormones Attack

I am a sad sad monkey today. Its purely hormonal, there has been no major tragedy since I last wrote and no one has died...yet I am still somehow feeling the overwhelming urge to crawl under my desk and cry. To those who would deny the existence of pms, I offer up exhibit one...oh wait, exhibit one has fled to the bathroom to quietly sob and sound the toilet paper nose blow trumpet call out to any sympathetic sisters who can provide momentary assistance in the form of compassionate understanding. We all know...we've all been there...on a regular basis in fact. Yet when pms strikes, it strikes with a vengence, erasing the memory and knowledge that this is temporary, hormonal, and will pass (only to revisit again and again like the crzay aunt who just can't take the most blatant of hints and makes you entirely miserable). It feels like nothing is right and nothing will ever be right again.

Logically, I can see (blurry though that particular field of vision may be) that I really don't have anything to be so sad about right now, but every little thing that occurrs is filtered through the heightened lens of pms and turns instantaneously into a greek tragedy.

I was going to give funny examples, but am just not in the mood to make fun of myself at this moment of fragility, so I think I'll go gorge myself on some chocolate and then feel even more like a fat ugly loser with no personality and bad skin. Mmm, sound like fun!


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