Monday, October 10, 2005

Going Out on a Limb

You are hereby forewarned that this post may come across as uncharacteristically schmaltzy. Make no mistake, however, I am still a jaded bitch. Somewhere in there. Really. I am.

So the comments stemming from this post really kind of got me thinking - a scary prospect, I realize, but perhaps a good thing nontheless. See, Orphannie, as usual, kind of hit the nail on the head and called me out on what I stubbornly didn't want to admit was true. She said "i'm just saying make sure you're not finding fault with everyone just because you don't want to get close to anyone". This hit home hard, as it certainly fits in with my pattern, as has also been stated by Lady Charon on more than one occasion. Swandad told me to "shit or get off the pot!" and while this first seemed perhaps harsh, I think he had a valid point. Armed with all of this, I went home for Rosh Hashanah, determined to prove everyone wrong and come up with concrete arguments proving that I was indeed open and giving this guy a chance.

Even my own mother took their side, saying that it seemed to her I was nitpicking and finding any excuse to dismiss this guy. She asked if I had told him that PDA bothered me. Umm, well, no, but umm...he should know by my reactions, right? Okay, okay. I suppose that nondisclosure does fall into the catagory of not giving the guy a fair chance.

But I didn't think I was scared of anything. I mean, Doc Harley's incredibly weird, but totally non-threatening and not really asking for more than I can give. Scared? What could I possibly be scared of?

By the end of my time away, I had finally called a resounding "Bullshit!" on myself.

The truth is I'm uncomfortable with being treated nicely. I'm scared of the prospect of an easy stress free male / female interaction. Its the great big scary unknown, and what if I get used to it? What if I like it and then it goes away? See, I don't exactly have a history of being treated well by people with penises - in fact, it all reads more like one neverending after school special, replete with cheesy music and meaningful camera takes. I'm so used to having to fight my way through things that I'm not sure how to relax and let go, so I seek out the familiar territory of the battle ground. And when it's not there, I search out reasons to abandon the good in serach of the bad. Its not a masochistic thing, its just a learned behavior. Does that make any sense?

I decided it was time to indeed "shit or get off the pot!". I chose to shit.

Wow, I really should choose another maxim; I'm thinking that's either incredibly insulting or ultimately prophetic...only time will tell.

I came back home ready to give him a real chance, not just the transparent facade of a chance he'd been previously afforded...and wow, what a difference it made. The silly little things that annoyed me and seemed so big really weren't, they were just magnified by fear. I told him how much I hate PDA, and we've sort of found a compromise consisting of he mostly abstains and when he goes too far I push him away and remind him that 1. I hate PDA and 2. I will be spending the night with him. He can kiss and grope me as much as he private. Then he makes fun of what he considers my tight lipped public kiss. Whatever. He's definitely trying to respect my wishes and that's what's important.

I ended up spending a really lovely weekend with him. Saturday afternoon we went to see Robert Bresson's Pickpocket at the Film Forum - his idea, and the absolute perfect thing for what was the official start date of monsoon season here in the city. This was followed by drinks at a wonderful little treasure of a restaurant that one of his patients owns; its tucked away in an alley and you walk into a completely different time and place. He actually doesn't really drink and I think its rather odd that I, who could be called a bit of a lush, keep dating men who don't drink. We met SL2000 for dinner, who said that Doc Harley was "unexpectedly classy"...something I had been too busy pushing him away to notice. We floated (literally) down the street to hear Betty Dylan, one of my favorite bands (who were incredible, of course), where we met up with more friends, including The Lone Star Talent, my future roomate.

Let me just state that he didn't bat an eyelash at meeting a gaggle of friends all at once. That's refreshing, to say the least. He also invited everyone back to his apartment to hang out afterwards, which gets big points, you know? He didn't have to do that...inviting people over is a whole other level above and beyond the call of duty.

Not that there's any duty. Just so you know - I'm stating for the record right now there is no duty.

So one of my friends, Mr. Haberdasher, ended up staying over at Doc Harley's on the couch (yet another case of above and beyond whatever term means the same thing but isn't the call of duty) that night. In the morning the boys went out for brunch supplies while I was a lazy princess and took a bubble bath. We had a lovely brunch and then went on an impromptu adventure to the Met.

Wow. I'm dating someone who likes to go on impromptu adventures, like me. To museums no less!

I'm also dating someone that doesn't know how to use an inside voice in a museum.

It was lovely nontheless; the 5 year old in him is endearing as well as annoying, I find. We spent about 3 or 4 hours in the museum and then went to the park, where Mr. Haberdasher and Doc Harley had me in stitches with their running commentary of everyone who passed by. We rounded off the day with a trip to Veselka to warm our chilly bones with tons of yummy Russian food (there's nothing like Borscht on a cold day). Then Doc Harley and I went back to his place and cuddled up on the couch watching Mystery on PBS (yes, I watched television, but it was PBS, so that makes it okay).

It was kind of the perfect little weekend.

Wow, that scares me. That scares me almost as much as the fact that I called him this afternoon just to say hi.

He did ask if I wanted to go to the Oyster Festival this weekend to hear his friend's band play and told me to invite whatever friends I wanted to, which I thought very cool of him. The weekend after that we're going out of town, to a wedding. I'm his date for a wedding...yikes! And we're going to get a hotel room or maybe even a B&B and have a weekend adventure.

So I'm giving him a chance. And I had a really great weekend. I guess that should really be enough for now, but of course I'm an obsessive worrier and can't leave it at just that. I should though. I should just enjoy this right now. Easier said than done. I'm not used to this, thus it scares me.

And no, Mr. Artsy Hotpants, none of this means he's my boyfriend!


Blogger MAH said...

You are going to marry this man. Mark my words on this day October 10, 2005. Oh shit. I hope he doesn't read your blog. Hell, if you don't want him, I'll take him. He sounds perfect. Here's what I love. Everyone dreams of the Jewish doctor. You get one. Only he has tatoos and rides a Harley and lives in the East Village. Somehow it seems so weird but so right. Oh. He is so your boyfriend.


October 10, 2005 7:44 PM  
Blogger Roxanne said...

This is so great! It is wonderful to be treated well by a man. Not only is it wonderful, but you deserve it. You don't deserve any less.

By the way, you are characteristically schmaltzy. You are, perhaps, one of the schmaltziest people I know. When put next to someone like Kristoise, you are practically oozing chicken fat.

October 10, 2005 10:43 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

mah- i am not responding to the whole mawiage thing. trust that i am screaming as i type this.

vix...i'm not schmaltzy! i ooze tough bitchiness not chicken fat! i am scary mean bitchy lady, hear me roar...or something like that.

kristoise, what i want to know most is when you became bridgett jones? and does this mean i'm shazzer or jude? or do i even want to know the answer to that one?

i don't know if i'm going to brazil. all i know is someone left a kissy noise message on my voice mail while i was seeing a play tonight. this definitely annoyed me, as i thought it was DH being silly, but it wasn't. i called and asked him. so the question is, who's mocking me?

October 11, 2005 1:07 AM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

oh, and kristoise, i've known you for 13 years, and yes, you are marvelous when the shit hits the fan. then again, i've never considered you overly analytical, despite being a scientist and all.

October 11, 2005 10:21 AM  
Blogger Roxanne said...

I wasn't implying you were unemotional. (Okay...maybe I was a little bit.) But really just that you are very practical and down to earth.

you cry at everything and you read self-help books. You are schmaltzy. It's not a bad thing. I love you for it.

October 11, 2005 11:20 AM  
Blogger Swa said...

I'm not going to say anything. I'm just going to :)

October 11, 2005 11:52 AM  
Blogger CHANTEUSE said...

wow, you skip checking the blog for a day and the whole thing blows up- i feel so behind!

first off, i agree with kristoise- analytical people are the perfect balance to heart-on-sleeve types (like you and me synge) in times of trouble, they really do help give some perspective and calm. while J is hardly an ice man, he is always the only one who can slow me down when i start to spin off into the emotional abyss. that is a good thing; two totally emotion-driven people would just drown each other.

and vix, i agree with you too- of COURSE synge is schmaltzy. (and it's cool to learn the original meaning behind that word- i love entomology too, though i find etomology a little icky).

my dear you have ALWAYS tried to pretend to be this hard bitch that you have never been. brave, strong and guarded? yes you are. but hard and bitchy- i think we all know better. you aren't shazzer or jude, you are SO Bridget Jones ( plus a good deal of political intelligence, mind you, and minus a lot of the shallow relationship fixation). clutzy, adorable, stubborn, girly, loyal, and prone to chasing Daniel Cleevers when nice, dependable- even somewhat cold- Mark Darcys are right in front of you.

(and kristoise, your perfectly tuned BJ reference does hint at a soft girly center to your cold, hard demeanor, you know. on the subject of your coldness: i personally would call you more logical than cold, and as i see it, you are supposed to be logical- you're a SCIENTIST! i love telling people i have a friend who is a scientist.)

to finish this mega-post, i am so happy to hear that you are giving this guy a chance, and happier still to see that he is already proving worth the experiment. i agree with sl2000- take it day by day and just enjoy it (easier said than done, but still a good mantra), and don't let anyone else define it for you (myself included). why does it have to be defined? the most important thing is that you are letting it happen, and not looking for an excuse (or waiting for a sign) to end it. that shows growth and openness on your part, and that's a great thing.

congratulations Bridget.

October 11, 2005 12:09 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

SL2000, i'm glad you like him and think he's fun, truth be told i was nervous about you meeting him. your point about him wiling to do what it takes to stay in my life on my terms and how rare that is is so true. i guess i'm waiting for the other shoe.

vix, i NEVER read self help books! i think they're too cheesy. i just have a therapist i drink tea and eat soup with while wrapped in comfy blankets curled up in huge armchairs who uses great monkey metaphors.

swandad...might that be gloating i detect in your smiley face symbol? btw, i owe you a long overdue visit to the bar, i just haven't been able to bring myself to face the hordes.

orphannie, you're the one who introduced me to bridget when you mailed me that huge wonderful care package when i was laid up for months after that horrible car accident. remember? you told me then that i was bridget, but i didn't totally get it...not as much as i do now. (thank you for saying i'm smarter though) umm, i can't really argue with you considering you've always known me best of all, whether i like to admit it or not.

but i will say i still maintain that i'm not all THAT schmaltzy!

nor do i cry all the time - most people never ever see me cry!

October 11, 2005 12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so does the good doctor read this? or even knows it exists?

October 11, 2005 1:43 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

anonymous, the doctor does not read this. he knows that i write a blog but does not have the address. i learned my lesson, and do not give out the blog address to anyone i date...its not fair to either party.

skoelher, okay...ummm, SL2000, have you seen me cry yet?

geez, you people, I AM NOT A CRYBABY!!!

skoehler, btw, speaking of art, i'm working on collaborating with a playwright i know. let's hope being schmaltzy serves me well.its too early to blog about it, but please share with rick8.

October 11, 2005 2:07 PM  
Blogger CHANTEUSE said...

you aren't a "cry baby", you are just a big softie pretending to be a hard ass. i agree- i know at least half of your readership has indeed seen you cry on many occasions. being classified as emotional is not the same as being called weak- it is brave to be sensitive, and also very important to your artistic pursuits. i don't know who told you that only hard, mean and closed off people are "cool" and "strong", but they were incorrect.

October 11, 2005 2:27 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

humanity...didn't we learn from last night's panel discussion that we have to go to the theatre to find our humanity because clearly we can't locate it on our own?

October 11, 2005 5:06 PM  
Blogger laura said...

so happy to hear you embracing, well, happiness. i confess to still being a bit wary, but that may be my own bias against older men (see: my 8-years-younger husband). as long as the good doctor respects you, and your wishes - when you express them! - then it sounds like a good thing to me.

and let me also encourage you, as long as you're on some even footing with the respect thing and all, to go to brazil. it is one of the most fantastic places on earth and you should take advantage of the opportunity. it will change you. (not that you need changing. you know what i mean. okay, i'm going to stop now.)

October 11, 2005 7:43 PM  
Blogger IdeaSmith said...

Loved the letter you wrote on Dead Letters Office and I'm dropping by to tell you that. Good luck!

October 12, 2005 2:08 PM  
Blogger Roxanne said...

I have only seen Kristoise cry once.

Personally, I never cry. I just leak.

October 12, 2005 10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your new mantra is now "No Worries", "Awe Fuck it" is now passe! Trust me, Brazil is way cool, you won't regret it.

Cap R

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