Thursday, January 05, 2006

And Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, For Some Long Overdue Good News!

Finally some good news!

And the best part of all, is that it has nothing whatsoever to do with stupid boys or stupid dating or any other such fact, it has to do with the thing that makes me happiest of all in the world, damnitt!

I received an email from a casting director in the city that I moved to New York from, telling me of a possible work opportunity in said Anonymous Southern City (ASC) that would be financially worth the travel and such. I, of course, was excited and so wonderfully flattered. I have been gone from ASC for two and a half years, I expected to be thoroughly forgotten by now! Not to mention the fact that while I knew this casting director, it was mostly through her work in the theatre community, and I had never auditioned for her at all. What an incredible ego boost to not only be remembered, but be remembered as somewhat talented (I would assume a casting director would not call in someone they felt was untalented), and to be thought of for an opportunity.

I needed this.

Its a commercial. Not only a commercial, but a commercial for THE locally owned fancy schmancy independent chain of grocery stores! The same store where my mother has shopped for 20-some years and where my brother worked in high school. If I book this, not only will I get decent compensation, but also I will feel like a SUPERSTAR!

Of course I do realize that the real cause for celebration is that I was even thought of, that I will now be in this casting director's database, and that I now have a handy dandy excuse to email the casting director who taught my commercial class, thus reminding him of my existance and hopefully spurring him on to call me in again. I also know that whether or not I book it has little to nothing to do with talent and more to do with looks and type. Still, it would be nice to book it.

So I received the copy today, will film an audition tape this weekend, and overnight it first thing Monday morning. Thank god I have My Little Vidipookikins who can film and edit the tape for me. Best of all, I get to send as many takes as I want. That's right, folks, as many takes as I want! This is positively unheard of! Here its two - that's it. You screw up one, you've only got one good one. You screw up both and you're just screwed. Multiple takes just feels so deliciously self indugent! I love it!

So thank you, universe, for reminding me where my attention, focus and energy should remain. I believe wholeheartedly in signs, and this certainly seems like a cosmic reminder!


Continuing along the vein of positive non-boy related news, I am going to Paris in exactly 2 weeks; I just got my ticket (and such a deal, you never did see...oy! ). I will be spending 5 glorious days and nights with one of my favorite people in the whole wide world, my fabulous older cousin Peek-A-Boo! (the nickname is a long story, having to do with a 3 week camping trip across the Southwest and a pun dealing with the end of the baguette - you have to be weird and bilingual, so just forget it)

I haven't seen my cousin in three years now; the longest we've gone without seeing eachother since I've been an adult. Peek-A-Boo is like a big sister, and we always have a wonderful time just being together and talking, which I think will be the bulk of this trip. Its more about spending time with someone I love than getting out and about on the town. We've both not had the easiest of times lately, so it will be perfect to be there supporting eachother in person rather than a mere phone call.

And I am looking forward to it so very much.

I had been missing Peek-A-Boo so acutely, and worried about her, that I asked for a plane ticket as my Chanukah present from my parents; a wise choice indeed.

And now I leave in two glorious weeks! Yay! I'm going back to my other country - where I won't be mocked for pronouncing Brie and Camembert the correct way! I will say entree with a French accent to my heart's content! Vive le fromage!

(mmmm...fromage. I'm hungry....)


Blogger Jon said...

Congratulations Synge! I hope you get the commercial.

Have fun in Paris.

January 06, 2006 1:12 AM  
Blogger Roxanne said...

This is great news! Hmmm...what grocery store chain might you be speaking of?????

January 06, 2006 1:55 AM  
Blogger CHANTEUSE said...


January 06, 2006 12:25 PM  
Blogger AVA said...

Congratulations on both!!! the commercial AND going to Paris!! I want to see pictures!!

January 06, 2006 6:58 PM  
Blogger laura said...

way to go, synge! cream rises to the top!

and paris - i'm so jealous. it's been over two years since i've been. i hope it's a fabulous trip!

January 08, 2006 11:50 AM  

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