Hey L.A., Plant Your Own Fucking Trees and Gimme Mine Back!!
Mr. Saucy Funnybuns and I could have been voted "least likely to be friends", after all, we are such polar opposites in so many regards; instead we were voted "most like a married couple" by those who knew us, and indeed at many times we were. After all, I packed his suitcases that were going on the plane with him today, as he flew out of New York to move to California, because I knew exactly which clothes he wore most and which could be sent with the movers. I know when he's ready to leave the party and go home without him saying a word and I know what he's trying to say when he can't find the right word. He knows when I need him to come to my rescue even if he's across the room and distracted and he knows when I need to be given a wide berth.
We also know how to push eachother's buttons and pinprick the more tender spots of annoyance or hurt...you can't have one without the other, you know.
The fact is that we have spent so much time together in the past two years, and held eachother through so many various and assundry crises, that we do know the little intimacies of eachothers' lives and routines. We can each shop for the other's toilettries, brands and all; that's the level of intimacy we're talking here folks.
And now he's gone.
He left today to move all the way across the freakin country. And what's worse, he's moving to my least favorite place on earth; L.A.
I escaped the glaring fluorescent of the sdj for a moment to go outside for a smoke an hour or so ago, and I was thinking to myself "I guess I'll stop by Mr. SF's apartment when I leave here" (he lived literally around the corner from my sdj). When the realization hit me that he was not there and would never be there again, it literally knocked the wind out of me.
Mr. Saucy Funnybuns has been such an integral part of my life here in New York that I cannot imagine a consistant life without him here; its just utterly unfathomable to me. I know that he's just moving, and its not like I can't go visit him, but the fact remains that the landscape of my daily life has just been drastically altered and where there was a beautiful tree there is now only a stump. While you can still sit on a stump, it cannot provide shade or shelter and you cannot climb it and rest in its branches for comfort.
And who will water and lovingly care for my precious transplanted tree? How will I protect it from being over watered or starved for nutrients? My tree requires a finely honed delicate balance of care in order to thrive and blossom and what if the new gardeners don't know how to care for it?
Its amazing how quickly someone can become such a powerful presence in your life that their absence feels like a tangible hole, residing somewhere between the chest and throat at the moment, to be precise.
::sniffle sniffle::
I fucking hate L.A.
Well don't hate L.A. too much. One day you may have to work there. Being the drama queen that you are it is quite possible.
Billy, my oldest brother, was on a soap shot in NYC for years and decided that if he was going to grow he needed to spread his wings. His then wife (also an actor) got a couple of nice gigs on the left coast, so they ended up moving to L.A. He never liked it all that much (except for the fact that he could ride his bike without getting intensionally run over like he did riding through Central Park).
Sad to say, he never did well in L.A. His now ex did fairly well (a few parts in movies and a big TV part or 2).
You need to do what ever it takes to make it in this world. Sometimes by doing things you really don't want to do. MSF is doing his gig. I am sure you will see him before too long.
mr. sf is unfortunately done with nyc. his was not a career move, but a personal one..this is what makes it a heartbreaking thing for me.
I'm sorry you lost your friend to LA. I've heard negative things about it---with all the vegan warriors and eating disorders---I'm surprised they can function. ;)
I'm sure with all the people in NY, you''ll find a friend who will be as solid as the one who moved to LA.
I onced lost a friend because she moved to FL. I hate FL. I miss my friend, and there was a huge hole in my heart when she left to go live there. I felt better after a year or so, but--I still do miss her after ten years of not seeing her. She hardly visits me. I hope that your friend comes to visit you occasionally!
Does he read your blog?
Deb - thanks for stopping by, i've actually been lurking on your blog for some time now.
i do count myself lucky that i have many solid friends here, with whom i'm very close, and many solid friends far away...but its the day to day routines that were so tied together that i miss. i called him my gay boyfriend (one of several, actually) because it was almost like a relationship but without the sex. god that sounds unhealthy! but i don't mean it that way at all. my family (parents and once upon-a-sibling) are not in new york, so my friends are my family. i've already lost a close family member 6.5 years ago, i don't like feeling like i'm losing another. i should also mention that he is ill and i am now too far away to take care of him, and that's the most difficult pill to swallow.
Compliments to Shel Silverstein.
anonymous, thanks for noticing.
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