Monday, April 02, 2007

Interspecies Conversation Between a Monkey and a Boar

I sent The Wild Boar a link to this Hemmingway Challenge from the Guradian, which I found via the ever awesome Sarah Brown (who's Cringe night I keep meaning to go to. Somehow I have yet to make it there alive). Here are the emails that followed:

From: Wild Boar To: Le Synge Bleu
Superb new mind. Adversity. Small room.

From: Le Synge Bleu To: Wild Boar
a little obtuse for my taste

From: Wild Boar To: Le Synge Bleu
Wow,obtuse? excuse me
I just threw a pebble
That’s all

From: Le Synge Bleu To: Wild Boar
Main Entry: ob·tuse Pronunciation: äb-'tüs, &b-, -'tyüsFunction: adjectiveb : difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression

From: Wild Boar To: Le Synge Bleu
(ŏb-tōōs', -tyōōs' )adj. ob·tus·er, ob·tus·est
-Lacking quickness of perception or intellect.
-Characterized by a lack of intelligence or sensitivity: an obtuse remark

From: Le Synge Bleu To: Wild Boar
Its used more frequently in the connotation of the first definition*

From: Wild Boar To: Le Synge Bleu
sil·ly Pronunciation[sil-ee] adjective, -li·er, -li·est, noun, plural -lies.
-absurd; ridiculous
-Le Synge Bleu

From: Le Synge Bleu To: Wild Boar
I love you

[* = my very own obtuse remark, due to very awkward phrasing]

This is a rather typical exchange. Yes we are dorks. Dorks who flirt by way of dictionary definitions. Its a damn good thing we found eachother, though the prospect of us procreating is a scary thought indeed.


Blogger Jessica said...

Crewman Smith reluctantly ate the thumb.

The coffin wouldn't shut with two.
- Darryl

April 03, 2007 12:03 AM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

kristoise, we're not procreating at the moment....prospect meaning in the hazy distant (or not, who knows) future, but something we are definitely planning on doing and definitely want to do.

April 03, 2007 12:39 PM  

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