Monday, January 17, 2005

Drunken Honesty

As if my last post wasn't fucked up enough, you now get treated to the lovely spectacle of a drunken mess; you know the secret voyeur in you is relishing the candidness. What's brilliant about blogging is that I won't erase it once its out there- you get the messy as well as the humorous. You probably can't really have one without the other. There is also something to be said about the liberation that comes from blogging honesty- the freeing aspect might even outweigh the humiliation. We'll see tomorrow morning.

So here's what's really shitty about unresolved guilt and anger- it comes back to haunt you through completely unrelated events. How fucked up is that? Could my emotions just please stick with the issues at hand? Nope. Not gonna happen. Instead everything eventually comes back full circle and suddenly I find myself dredging up the same old song and dance. There really should be some guidelines to this sort of thing, you know? Like I don't have enough in the present to regret? I mean , puh-leeze! What's the statute of limitations on life altering guilt? Shouldn't my time be just about up?

Okay, the humor thing actually isn't working for me here. I'm still feeling like if my friend Ms. V.L. Artsycam looks across the table at me in anything resembling a look of caring or concern the tears are going to pour forth in great abundance. It's that oh-so-precariously balanced cup of emotion and fragility. I'm frequently accused of being intense and emotionally raw (and intensely emotionally raw)...I guess I do feel things very deeply and very intensely, which is great in some respects and super shitty in others. This would be an example of the latter.

Don't worry, I haven't lost my sense of humor, nor am I inconsolable or severely fucked up (just mildly..); I'm just giving you an honest glimpse of a moment in time.

And now I have to pee. (a byproduct of too much beer)


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