Thursday, January 20, 2005

J20 Update aka Not In Jail Yet (keep your fingers crossed) Post

So I just wanted to post and say that although fucked up shit is happening all over the place and we spent several hours helping a wonderful suburban mom who had been brutally pepper sprayed by overzealous and unnecessary riot cops rendering her bllind for quite a long perios of time, Captain Resistance and I are fine. We lucked out across the board and managed to get into the parade route after a very sucessful rally and funeral procession (the Ladies of Liberty were a HUGE hit - performed twice and did an encore) before they blocked the entrance and were able to get back out before they started blocking protesters from leaving the parade route. There was a huge riot gear clad police presence closed in around our protester-heavy area (though protesters were all along the parade route everywhere), but could not do much at all as we were mixed in with scattered Bush supporters.

We hit upon a very obnoxious and insecure young Republican on the way out who was denegrating protesters and being quite vile to women - he made the mistake of messing with me and calling me a fat bitch (funny how I succumb to great insecurity in that area until its directed at me - then I don't take it personally at all). I then proceeded to call out to the throngs of mostly protesters that I was searching for a "fat bitch" and were there any around because there was a very frightened and insecure man searching valiantly for a fat bitch. By this time he was fuming, and all he could do was point at me when I said "fat bitch"; quite ineffectual when everyone was laughing at him by this point.

I have to give big blogging kudos to Border's Books, corporate though they may be. They not only gave all the activists free and unlimited unhounded access to their bathrooms, but they also let us in with the poor freezing blind scared suburban mom, after they had already closed the store, to decompress and sit for over an hour. I've never seen humanity in a big corporate kind of place; you learn something new every day. It was heartwarming.

And like me after seeing what really happens to anyone wanting to raise their voice in dissent, this woman now wants to be far more involved. Their scare tactics don't dissuade us (blind some though they may), they encourage us. And now, a new activist is born.

Now I have to go get ready for the Billionaires for Bush Re-Coronation Ball - I still have to think up a good Billionaire name...I found one for Captain Resistance: Commodore Beau Wing.

Continue to keep your fingers crossed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you were there being yourself and kicking ass. Every individual voice matters. I am loving your eloquent words. I am gonna hook you up with a video component to this blog for when you just need to rant uncensored!
gros bissou

January 24, 2005 6:12 PM  
Blogger Boston-Metro Chapter of Billionaires For Bush said...

Darling! I do so hope you had a good time at our Ball. From your post, darling, I can tell you would make a most excellent Billionairess! Feel free to check a local chapter on our website, darling: http:\\ Look to the right (the very best direction) for local chapters. Scroll down if you are still vexed by the problem of your Billionairess name....there is a name generator just for you!

Toodles, darling!

Ivana Moore-Enmoore
Boston Chapter Head
Billionaires for Bush

February 02, 2005 9:11 PM  

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