Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Slighty Sexy Good Friend Bloated Slaughtered Cow Spin

Okay, the hormones have calmed down a bit and a solution has been found; I am going home this weekend for a surprise early Father's Day weekend and will rent a car the next weekend and be a non-hormonal non-bitter ecstatic for my wonderful friends guest. I also got plenty of ribbing from both gay boyfriends for yesterday's entry, which definitely helped to let go of the negativity; its good to have people in your life to make fun of you when you take yourself a bit too seriously. Mr. Saucy Funnybuns called last night to check on and laugh at/with me after reading the post; the funy thing was I didn't know he had read it and immediately read it out loud to him when he called. He then told me he was actually calling to give me pity compliments. Mr. Artsy Hotpants e-mailed to invite me to a play Friday (he spoils me with theatre tickets), saying "I know I am one of your gay boyfriends and that is...depressing...". In a subsequent e-mail he complimented me with "100% pity compliments"; I thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed the humor. I'll be the first to admit that I can tend towards the ridiculously overdramatic.

Despite feeling like a bloated slaughtered cow today, I'm actually feeling fairly good about myself. I got a job for Ms. Laughing Wild working 2 days a week for Mr. Event In and Of Himself, which actually works out perfectly because it would have been a bit much for me to take on the extra work but is perfect for the 2 days a week she needs; she called asking if I knew of any part time work and I said "as a matter of fact, I do...". Its lovely - I got to help two friends with one stone...or something along those lines. I also straightened my hair today, in an uncharacteristically high maintanance attempt at self grooming and have gotten non-stop compliments all day at the sdj; which of course is fabulous for my withered ego and deflated sense of physical beauty. I actually feel kinda sexy today, to tell the truth; I'm a slightly sexy bloated slaughtered cow! Hey, I'll take what I can get.

Tonight I'm meeting Mr. Saucy Funnybuns and we're going to go to My Little Vidipookikins' apartment, where we'll cook up a lovely dinner with the start of the new summer CSA season; good friends, good food, and a pretty good outlook. Its something nice to look forward to. Let's just hope I don't run into Mr. EU, who much to my chagrin, lives exactly one block from My Little Vidipookikins. Never date people who live so close to your friends; it could prove to be ultimately masochistic.

The moral of the story is that each day is a new day, and if I can remember to let go of yesterday's icky feelings it opens me up for new ones to come in and fill the void...which just may turn out to be positive slightly sexy good friend bloated slaughtered cow feelings.

And I should evidently straighten my hair more often.

Oh, and don't date people who live within a 10 block radius of your closest friends.

I think that's about it.


Blogger Roxanne said...

Maybe we can see each other this weekend....if you aren't pissed at me for my earlier post.

I don't think I should have lectured. I was on an ultrasound high.

June 07, 2005 10:17 PM  

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