My Solipsism of Late Comes Back To Bite Me In the Ass...Hard

I am so deeply ashamed of myself and absolutely horrified at my own selfish behavior.
I try incredibly hard to be a good friend to the people that I love and to always treat them with the respect and undying affection that they deserve. I'm not sure that I'm always wholly successful in this; the intention is always there, but I guess sometimes the commitment unintentionally wavers.
And then sometimes I'm just an asshole. Plain and simple.
Within a 10 minute span, I just had two different friends - who mean the absolute world to me - let me know that they've been hurt by my silence as of late; a silence I wasn't even fully cognizant of. They've felt neglected, and rightfully so. One of the friends had been in the ER for a respiratory problem, and I hadn't even called to see how she's doing. The other friend said that he feels like he gets less time with me than others, and feels like he deserves equal time and equal energy, at the very least. He had written an email on the 14th that I never even opened (somehow it got lost in the insanity that is my inbox). I've been running around like my own personal version of tornado alley, selfishly wrapped up in a million and one different crazy things, spending hours trying to save the world while virtually ignoring those I love most.
And I've been so wrapped up in my own little solipsistic existance that I had no clue I was even doing it.
I feel like the world's shittiest person. While I am overly competetive, this is hardly a title I covet.
I feel like crying about this is only another example of my selfishness.
This is the e-mail that I got, which in conjunction with my phone conversation with another friend I treasure beyond belief, wrenched my head from where it was semi-permenently lodges up my own ass:
Now, I do have a problem that only you can fix. [Beautiful Friend] is
feeling quite neglected by her friends and she is right to feel that way.
Have you called her and talked to her since she was in the emergency room?
You are busy with your organization, and meeting people, etc., but you forgot
the most important thing of all, the people you love. I am disappointed
that you have not spoken to her and I know she feels hurt. Only you can
rectify this.
Wow. Talk about a much needed reality check. And she's so absolutely right and I'm so absolutely ashamed of myself. I wrote a quick bumbling reply...what can I really say to either friend except you're right and I'm sorry? And this was the reply I got, which makes me feel even worse:
We love you no matter what. We all get wrapped up in things and get self
involved and that's okay. But try never to forget to just say a quick hi
to those you love. It doesn't have to be a 30 minute conversation.
Just let people know you are okay and are thinking of them. It is
unfortunate that [Beautiful Friend] doesn't have email since you could
have written a quick note, but she doesn't so the only way is by
Remember that we love you and nothing will change
I clearly do not deserve the friends I have.
Now really.....
Everyone is guilty of some friend neglect now and then.
Anyone who can't be patient with a busy friend...needs a little introspective examination.
Not to say that hurt feelings aren't valid...but I hope everyone can allow friends who may be going through a rough/busy/maybe "selfish' time...ALLOW them to have that time. "Selfish" time is healing time sometimes.
Don't beat yourself up too badly.
That being said, I'm a dork for not calling you back yet, Synge...I DID get your message...and DO need to talk to u...but I too have a great deal of things going on. We will find the time and I have no doubt about it...
"I clearly do not deserve the friends I have"
now, i have already said it once on your blog this week, and i don't want to say it again, but...
that's just a crock of shit!
you are an amazing friend, and if anything, sometimes you spread yourself too thin trying to please everyone. no one can be there for everyone, everywhere, every day, and if they were it would be kind of creepy and slightly pathetic; people must live their own lives. it is just as important to look out for your own needs as it is to look out for those of others; you always do the best that you can and that is at least 3x what most other people do. you are always there in the toughest times, and that's what matters the most.
so don't you dare beat yourself up.
that's just ridiculous and wrong.
(ask your therapist, im sure she'll agree with me)
Synge...(*grabbing her cheeks and giving her a much-needed wake up slap to the face, a'la Cher in Moonstruck)
Not to echo the sentiments of the other posters above me, but what they say is true; stop beating yourself up for being human. These things happen-as long as you know in your heart that you aren't purposely shutting these people out of your life (and I'm pretty sure you aren't), then you will be okay. Now that you realze that you slipped up a bit w/your friends in need, simply reach out and rectify it, that's all. If they are your real friends (and i'm fairly sure that they are), then I think they will forgive you and be happy that you re-emerged.
So do like the commerical says and "reach out and touch"....
i don't know your friends, so i'm going to go out on a limb and say, you have one manipulative friend. i can't imagine lecturing any of my friends like they were five years old. if this person is valuable to you, well, then, good for you, but i'd take such an admonishment with a grain of salt. and then i'd throw it in the trash.
Hey - these posts are right. Your friend might be super, but regardless of that they are being totally manipulative and treating you like a child.
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