The Callback and Then the Call Back

So I just got back from my callback, emerging from the deep dark underground into a surprise monsoon. Luckily I, for once, had my umbrella on me, but I ended up sharing it with another Synge (its not an uncommon name), who had been at the callback with me, whom I only recognized when we got off our separate subway trains and were walking towards the exit; she was on her way to a rehearsal, and needed to stay dry much more than I did, so I got mostly wet and let her take the lion's share of the shelter. We were actually up for the same role, but such different types that it there was no possibility of petty competition; besides, things just don't work that way here.
Then when I finally slog my way through the flood, slipping and sliding in my heels that seemed to no longer wish to contain my feet, to arrive safely at home, I get a phone call from the director. She tells me that she is not able to use me and has decided to go with someone else, but thinks I am incredibly talented and should come back to audition for the other weeks of the efstival, as I will surely get cast. I respond in that I'm-so-friendly-and-great-to-work-with sort of a way, thanking her for her prompt call and for not leaving me hanging in an agonizing hell of waiting. She seems impressed with my cheerful attitude, and asks if she can keep me on file for future projects. I say absolutely and we hang up and I find myself not too upset or discouraged, although I had definitely thought the callback went fairly well. I chalked it up to type, and was mentally re-arranging my schedule to go by the theatre to sign up for this week's audition.
And then I see my phone, which had been put in silent mode for the callback, flashing the same number that just called. I didn't reach it in time, and was turning the ringer back on and waiting for the voice mail, when I the call comes again. So I pick up, and she says "Hi, its [the director] again, I actually made a huge mistake and thought I was calling the other Synge. What I actually wanted to say to you was that its in between you and another womyn for the role, and I was wondering if I could have until Tuesday to let you know." I said that was absolutely fine, and we laughed about the mix-up; thank god she didn't do it the other way around! Can you imagine getting those two calls reversed?
So the Synge I shared my umbrella with is now going to get the first phone call I received. Its weird knowing that. Its weird that it happened to be the womyn I walked 6 blocks with, getting soaked the whole way so that she could go to rehearsal dry.
I'm glad I was so pleasant on the first phone call; it really does always pay to be that person who always comes across as good to work with.
I have opted not to go to the acting class I was supposed to go to tonight. I arrived home a little too late to be able to dry off, change clothes into something I can move in (ie not a dress), and hustle way across and way downtown. Its probably for the best because I'm actually exhausted from a horrid night of sweat drenched misery in which I woke up every 5 seconds, startled and windering if I was breathing or not. I also am not able to do the bellydancing class on Wednesday because my friend The Comedic Chameleon is doing a sketch comedy show at UCB and asked me to do a tiny 2 second bit in it, which I thought sounded like fun; bellydancing class will always be there, but silly fun 2 second bits in a sketch comedy show won't. So out of my turn-it-around anti-depressed-funk goals, I did only one, the audition, but that was probably the most important one anyway. The fact of the matter is that I'm feeling quite positive and excited about things; even if I don't get the role, at least I was down to the last 2 people, and that's not a bad for an audition that I forced myself to go to.
Much healthier things to obsess about than emotionally unavailable heart breakers, dontcha think?
Isn't there a perfomance piece in that scenario somewhere?
Spencer can play the director or a variety of directors making all the wrong calls to the right people ( or is it the other way around?)
u and I and whoever else can play u, the other Synge, and several other actors waiting for the call.
It could be a great performance piece or a campy musical revue....or better yet BOTH!
unless you posted that gigantic spam above (which i find funny posted on a blog of an incredibly poor actor), i don't think the comment was geared towards you.
not sure how you missed that one...its a novella...
or were you joking and i missed it because i didn't make my coffee this morning and am asleep at my desk?
Excellent news! Congrats!
Damn...that was a bit bizzare. Here's hoping you get the role after all of that. And silently hoping that someone donates an A/C unit to you...quick!
And what's up with the spam message in the comments section? I thought I was the only one getting it....
I'm glad to see Karma actually works!, as long as it doesn't happen to me, since I'm not the nicest person around.
By the way, I just linked you.
congrats on being THE synge!
Great Job, Synge, I just know you'll get it :D
As for obsessing over healthier things... I still can't get over the image in my brain of arrhythmic belly-dancing cows... ::sigh:: Remember the "Eat Mor Chiken" commercials? The image I'm getting is something like that, black-and-white cows with pink lipstick in hula skirts.. Anyways, Yeah, thanks for that one... lol ;)
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