Monday, May 02, 2005

My Total Cop Out Post

I have been a little under the weather.

That's a southern euphemism for "I've been feeling like shit."

I am admittedly cocooning and passing it off as busy working two jobs (which I am as well). I called in sick to the sdj #1 today because I just couldn't face the notion of having to deal with people, which happens to the best of us from time to time. I actually did a smidgen of laundry today, which makes the day infintely more salvagable than had I gone in to work at sdj #1. I also got about a half day in at the 2nd job, so at least the day was not completely masturbatory.

I have recently been called out on my neglect of this blog by numberous people. I am a neglectful blogger who has nothing to say in my own defense. This is purportedly where I am supposed to be turning to work out the things that are making me feel "a little under the weather"; hence my avoidance.

It is far too late an hour to begin in earnest now, and I am far too tired to attempt to string words together in any sort of a coherent fashion. While this may be construed as a cop-out, fatigue also encourages a "who gives a shit" attitude, so I'm going to bed without writing anything of any real substance.

Who gives a shit? I'm under the waether here people!


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