Thursday, April 14, 2005

Rubber Band Girl

My neck and upper back muscles are so horrifically inflamed that I'm afraid my head is held on by rubber bands that may break at any moment and send my head flying across the room like a muscle-slingshot. I am walking like a drugged out space cadet with a gigantic telephone pole shoved up my ass. Its not pretty. Its not comfortable either, for that matter. My lovely friend Mr. Magic Hands Crooner did rakii on me last night. It definitely helped, but I'm still in pain.

It also made me cry, a lot.

Rakii is energy work that send energy into your body and gets the energy moving along the pathways that it should be flowing through. Usually if its not, its because there's a blockage somewhere, whether caused emotionally, or through poor health habits or a combination of all the above. Rakkii helps clear the channells and balance out the energy flow. I was first introduced to it about 8 years ago when I tore a huge amount of back musles being a forest fire (don't ask..) and was practically paralyzed with pain. I called an old stage manager of mine who I knew was a massage therapist. She came over and just plut her hands on me, not moving them, no real pressure or anything. And I'm there thinking...ummm, okay...where's my massage? when I start to feel this incredible heat from her hands and my muscles start slipping and releasing like jello. It was amazing. I've been a devotee ever since.

Anyway, because its balancing you out and helping you release things, rakki can trigger emotional responses. Boy did it. I had no idea I was that sad. I know I didn't release it all, and that's partly what still in my back. I have a hard time crying. I rarely do it in front of others. But last night I was acutely aware of such a deeply seated sadness that I guess I've never quite acknowledged fully. Its not like its an ever present force in my life...or at least not one that I"m aware of. But its definitely there.

And now I'm late for a baby shower. Crap. Of and running, as usual!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know my mom has some level of Reiki certification (nt sure if she is Reiki "master" or some lower level)? She is probably the only Mormon in the country that does Reiki. She has done it on me, Ruby, her dogs . . .


April 15, 2005 1:26 PM  
Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

Did you know I can't spell Reiki to save my life?

I might hit her up when I go home for Passover, though if i"m not better by then I'll probably be headless already.

April 15, 2005 7:37 PM  

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