Thursday, September 08, 2005

Disclaimer To The Best of my Abilities

This is where I work out what I need to in my life; this is the place where I stand fully naked down to the guts and slime of my inner workings. I am not trying to strip anyone else but myself for the world to see. That is why I use anonymous names, that is why contrary to popular belief, everyone in my real life does not indeed posess this site address. I am only trying to figure out who I, myself, am and where I stand. I am incapable of such cruelty as to intentionally seek to upset someone by writing about anything having to do with them here.

I am not a vengeful horrible person.

I did not mean to cause anyone any pain, and had I known I was, I most definitely would have cut off my right breast before placing my fingers to the keyboard.

I am at a loss and cannot unwrite what has been written.

I am also in shock that writing out my feelings could be interpreted as a willfull stab to the heart of anyone else. I am stunned in the true sense of the word.

I am sorry. All I can say is had I known anyone would react this way I never would have written a single word. And you may claim to not believe me, but if you closely examine all you know, putting your fears and hurt and anger aside, you will see that is the truth. I did not seek to hurt, wound, marr, or damage in any way. I only sought refuge.


Blogger Roxanne said...

Oh ugh....I'm guessing what happened here. Are you going to have to password protect too?

I'm sorry if you took shit for expressing your feelings here. Please don't beat yourself up about it. If you look to the news you will see that there are important things and unimportant things. It does put things in perspective, doesn't it?

September 08, 2005 10:37 PM  
Blogger CHANTEUSE said...

just remember that the most valuable friends in your life will always be the ones who do NOT judge or condemn you, no matter what you do or say (or- to be more realistic- who keep their judgements to themselves and are always willing to forgive and move on).
remember that. you have more of those than you recognize. any other kind of friends are not worth worrying about.

September 09, 2005 10:40 AM  
Blogger AVA said...

I am sorry your words (whatever they were) got misinterpreted. You are a good and honest human being and I'm sure everybody knows that, as it shows throughout this whole blog.

September 09, 2005 5:05 PM  

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