an overactive imagination, clumsy awkward writing, and a cultivated immaturity thrown into one bundle of well-intentioned insecurity
(with flagrant abuse of the parenthetical to boot)
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Testing...testing...1, 2, 3...
This is a test of the emergency blogging via email to get away with it at work system. this is only a test. Were this a real post, it would be far more interesting. I repeat, this is only a test.
I have this recurring nightmare that I'm asked to define myself in some way in precisely 1200 characters or less. The words parade around me in a grotesque circle dance to Disney's "It's a small world after all", gradually inprisoning me in the box they've formed around me. I can't seem to escape this box-o-words, despite numerous desperate editing attempts, and the words are mocking me and shouting slanderous epithets galore about my semantic failures. I wake up, sobbing, and thankful to be in my bed and not at a computer frantically typing and deleting like a madwoman. Clearly, I'm a giant neurotic contradiction in and of myself (who gets way too little sleep to boot). Despite my massive insecurity, I can be pretty fun though...I mean, who doesn't love self depricating's funny right? Right? Ha ha?
I try mightily to live life as one huge adventure, but the majority of the time it ends up being a bit of a farce. My new evaluative criteria when it comes to life experiences tends to be, "Will it make a good story one day? Then it was worth it." I also have an evil man hating attack cat that I adore and everyone else flees from.
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