Still Lucky or Rotating My Perspective
I am feeling more confident and secure in this moment right now. And loved. Things will be okay; I'll make them okay.
I realized that a huge part of it all stemmed from the fact that I've never left a job not of my own volition. Despite the fact that they are unable to retain any temps at this point and that my supervisor was fighting to keep me on as long as possible, I still somehow felt like I was at fault and had fucked up in some monumental unknown way. Its absolutely ridiculous, I realize, but that's the way I was feeling and part of why I was so upset. Its those pesky insecurities at work; the immediate and somewhat crippling assumption that I am wholly unworthy and severely inadequate in some way.
I need to stop trying to be two children at once and realize that I am no longer in competition with my brother, he's dead, and that I'm good enough just in and of myself without trying to somehow compensate for his absence. That's a tall order. I'm working on it.
But I can't be all that inadeqate because my friends are all highly intelligent people, and despite the fact that I am a talented actor, I don't think I could pull the wool over their eyes and merely charm them into thinking I'm more than I am. And the fact is that they are amazing people, so I must be doing something right somewhere in this universe.
When I was a very young monkey, my father used to always say that your friends are your family; this remains my outlook to this very day and I am ever awed and humbled and thankful for the abundance of truly loving and compassionate people I have in my life. I am so incredibly lucky that when shit happens, as it does because such is the nature of life, what I am overwhelmingly confronted with is not misery, but how much love and light I'm surrounded by. Such has been the case for the past few somewhat bumpy weeks.
Kristoise asked in a comment on a post regarding another recent challenging life moment if I still considered myself lucky. The answer is still a resounding and overly emphatic yes.
Oh, Synge, you are such a beautiful person. I really admire your outlook on life.
Hugs hugs. Maybe MAH can get you a job? Hey, MAH. Help a girl out. Put those contacts to use.
"Awe Fuck It" is a good little mantra, I think you got it ("Awe" is southern for "Ohm"). As you most probably knew intuitively it is not a prayer of resignation or anger, but rather a prayer of release. It is of course best spoken with a slow southern drawl, kinda like "Fuck Me".
It is actually the short form of the Serenity Prayer, used by many recovery groups,
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference".
Enjoy the moment, and the next, and the next......
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