Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Where's My Freakin' Deus Ex Machina? or The Little Activist That Couldn't

Today is International Womyn's Day. I was supposed to go to the Code Pink march for Womyn's Rights as a part of the Global Week of Action for Womyn's Rights. The United Nations is currently re-evaluating, on its 10th anniversary, the Beijing Declaration that was created in the Forth World Conference on Womyn. In a time where it certainly feels as though we are moving backwards, and not forwards, in terms of womyn's rights both globally and locally, its pretty imperative that we fight for continued progress and prevent a backslide.

I'm not there, however, and feeling immensely guilty for it.

The Ladies of Liberty were supposed to perform at the rally and be a presence in the march; Code Pink had asked for our official endorsement to put on all materials. The performance was never confirmed, and very few ladies were able to attend. As I was about to walk out of the door to go to the march, I received a phone call from one of the ladies, who said that it was down to just the two of us in terms of a Ladies of Liberty presence. We both have crazy schedules for today; it was already quite difficult for me to make the march and rally as is. We jointly opted to not go.

My measly excuse for lack of participation is a huge amount of work to do for the show, 2 meetings to attend this evening that I have yet to prepare for, an already substantial lack of paid hours this week, another court date in my criminal trial tomorrow that I have yet to prepare for, looming unemployment that I have yet to do shit about, and the cold snow that my already precarious health does not need to be subjected to. I also have yet to file both last year's and this year's taxes and yet to locate where in the mountain of scattered crap that is my room the necessary papers are.

I am not freaking out, I am not freaking out, I am not freaking out....

Captain Resistance just called and told me that it would be best if I did not have an aneurism and that I needed to take at least several moments in the day and just meditate. He's quite right; my mind could definitely use some quieting.

My lawyer also e-mailed in response to a rather pathetic attempt on my part to quell my fears about tomorrow. He said the prosecution will most likely not be ready, and that even if they are, so are we (so there! nanny nanny boo boo Mr. District Attorney!). I will be put on the stand, and he said not to worry about that, to just be myself and tell my story. Okay, sure, no big deal whatsoever. I don't necessarily do well under pressure. He clearly doesn't know that I do much better with a script and loathe improv. I do love my lawyer though; he's the president of the New York City chapter of the National Lawyer's Guild, an organization that has been amazingly helpful throughout the whole process. The NLG are the watchdogs of our civil liberties and exist to defend and safeguard our first amendment rights. I fucking love and am wholeheartedly thankful for the NLG. They are my heroes.

I love the sense of humor inherent in the universe that created the law stating that everything must descend upon you in your life en masse. I'm laughing so fucking hard at that one that I'm forgetting to breathe.

Not that I'm a little stressed or anything, don't worry.

Where's my freaking deus ex machina when I need one?


Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

Right, Synge =)

Deep breaths. Hang in there..
Take care.

March 09, 2005 1:10 AM  

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